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Frequently Asked Questions on Lsd


What is Lsd?
Lsd (Laboratory for Simulation Development) is a language to write simulation models, which appear as stand-alone programs complete of graphical based interfaces for any possible use of the model (from running the simulation to prepare scientific publications). Two characteristics make Lsd particularly useful in order to use simulation models in social sciences:

1) a Lsd model is an extremely simple to use, stand-alone program that even non-expert computer users can use to run and test the results from simulation models.

2) Model writers need to write all and only the code directly linked to the content of the model, having automatically available all interfaces that allow to access any aspect of the model, simplifying the process of building the model and allowing an easy distribution of the model.

Lsd tries to break the trade-off between simplicity of use of a simulation model and complexity to build it. This is obtain by allowing programmers to write pieces of code independently for each equation (i.e. Variable) of the model. In this way the process of code writing is greatly simplified because a complex model is decomposed in its individual equations. When the equations are (supposed to be) ready, the system automatically generates an executable complete with interfaces. The system automatically exploits the Variables' code as required during a simulation run, storing the results, signalling errors, and allowing the model inspections, without any need for the modeller to write specific code for these operations.

Although very simple to use, Lsd is also extremely powerful, since it is based on C++, and therefore the resulting simulations are fast and virtually unlimited in their dimensions.

The general philosophy of Lsd models is based on the difference equations model: modellers write each Variables' equation in order to compute its generic value at time t using Parameters and other models Variables at time t, t-1, t-2 etc. Any legal C++ statement can be included in a Variable's equation, allowing the use of a large set of libraries available for this language.

Lsd is particularly useful for agent based models, since it entails models based on a hierarchy of entities, with fast and automatic search through the "tree" of entities for the correct elements.

Lsd is distributed as source code (completely free to use, under the GNU general public license) that must be integrated with the code of the model to compile a stand-alone Lsd instance, a model. Lsd makes use of Tcl/Tk libraries and of the GNU C++ compiler, all of which is freely available under the same GNU general public licence).

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What is LMM?
LMM (Lsd Model Manager) is an integrated environment created to to develop and manage a set of Lsd models. LMM is composed by a text editor, specially suited for C++ coding in general and Lsd coding in particular, and by a set of commands. The editor is automatically used to write the Lsd equations. The commands available make automatic the procedures of compiling, debugging and running Lsd programs in a transparent way, so that even non-expert programmers can use C++ compiled code for their simulation models. See the LMM Manual for further information.
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Where do I start using a Lsd model?
The distribution of Lsd includes several example models, some of which are for purely teaching purposes, while others are complex models with scientific purposes.
Although Lsd model programs are stand-alone programs, the best and simplest way is to use LMM to compile and run them.
To run a Lsd model program follow these steps:

The manual includes a tutorial for the basic operations of running a Lsd model.
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Where do I start writing a Lsd model?
To create a Lsd model you need to write few equations, to be compiled in order to create a Lsd model program, and then to create the model structure with the resulting Lsd model program. It is usually better to run some example models before creating your own model.
It is strongly adviced to create models in a very gradual way: The manual includes a tutorial for the basic operations of creating a simple Lsd model.
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What is a model in Lsd?
An abstract definition of a simulation model is: a collection of variables that change values through the simulation time according to specified rules. However, this definition leaves a lot at implicit level. A more pedantic list is better to understand how Lsd functions. Usually a model includes several Variables (and equations) and Parameters and they are located into Objects, to be thought of as containers for Variables and Parameters. Providing the above items with initial data (values for Parameter, the number of Objects, etc.), a simulation run can be executed.

The equations are implemented as pieces of code, defined independently for each equation, which are implemented in a Lsd model program. This program can either create, load or modify a model structure, which contains the definitions for all the items in the model, initializations etc.

Lsd is founded on the opinion that generating values is still not sufficient to exploit simulation models. It is necessary to fully understand the results. For this, Lsd model programs produce automatically a complete documentation of the model, called model report, which provide a complete description of the model in a very clear and intuitive way.

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What is a simulation run?
A simulation run is a virtual history of a simulated reality, whose study can provide insights on the real counterpart of the model. In Lsd a simulation run is the sequence of time steps during which each Variable in the model uses its equation to compute an updated value.
Lsd is founded on the opinion it is not sufficient for a simulation to produce results, but these must be fully understood, that is linked to the functional content of the model and its initial numerical values. For this reason during a simulation run users can interrupt the simulation, investigate the model, observe the data generated up to that time, modify values. Moreover, Lsd model come with a full documentation (automatically generated) to grasp the connections between elements even in very complex models.

Technically, when a user asks to run a Lsd simulation exercise with the following steps:

  1. save the current model configuration. This may be redundant if users did not modify the configuration loaded, but avoid that interesting results are produced by a forgotten parameter setting
  2. initialize the counter of the simulations and the seed for random number generation. Most frequently a model is run only once, but Lsd allows to run also batteries of simulations with the same configuration and different seeds to test the robustness of result. Therefore, each simulation run is assigned a number starting from 0.
  3. initialize the counter of the simulation time steps. That is, t=1.
  4. for every Variable in every Object in the model compute the corresponding equation, determining automatically the scheduling of computations as implicitly determined by the lag notation in the equations.
  5. update the simulation time steps: t=t+1
  6. repeat from 4. until the reaching the time steps set in the configuration
  7. save the results produced, if more than one simulation runs is requested
  8. reload the configuration, update the counter of simulations, and use a new seed
  9. repeat from 3. until the reaching the number of simulation runs indicated in the configuration
At the end, users can analyse the results of the last simulation run, still stored in memory, or load one of the result files.
During the simulation runs the Lsd simulation manager controls for possible errors, in case issuing messages indicating which type of error occurred and in which equation. Lsd is endowed with its own debugger (for equation-by-equation running) and can use a C++ debugger (gdb) for line-by-line running.

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How does Lsd run a simulation? (who decide the priorities of computations?)
Lsd does not force modellers to make explicit the full sequence of executions of the model variables. Such requirement is both annoying, complicated and redundant. In fact, for large models you may have hundreds of different types of equations, with tens of thousands of instances. It is also difficult to have the complete map of interaction among variables, so that it is easy to make mistakes in determining the order of execution. And it is also redundant, since in many cases several computations may virtually run in parallel, without the necessity to set a specific order.

Lsd relies on a rule allowing modellers to decide "locally" the order of computation. Only if there is a specific need to keep a certain sequence, then the model will follow it. Otherwise, the system will automatically determine one order. The model controls the orders of execution very simply by using an equivalent of the lag notation.

For example, writing the equation X=F(Y) forces the system to compute Y before X. Otherwise, the code for X=F(Y[1]) tells the system to use a lagged value of Y in the equation for X, thus the equation for Y may be computed before or after that of X.

What is an equation?
An equation in a Lsd model can be understood as a difference equation that computes a numerical value for a Variable as a function of present and past values of the model. Technically, it is a piece of code (C++ code, extended with a library of Lsd specific functions) that is executed once for each instance of the Variable it refers to at each time step of the simulation. Users of a model do not need to deal with the equations, though they have access to the code implementing the equations, including all the explanations and comments provided by the author of the model.

The necessity to write C++ code for the equations is the major difficulty for writing Lsd models. This is necessary because, after all, a simulation is a program and model writers must be aware of the content of their model, and Lsd does not pose any limitation on the family of models that can be implemented with it. On the other hand, Lsd facilitates enormously the code writing in respect of writing a pure C++ program. In fact, it takes the burden of two major difficulties in writing simulation programs. The first, it is to ensure that Variables' values updating is consistent, that is, that the equations be computed at the right time so that lagged and updated values are used appropriately. The second difficulty is to be sure that Variables contained in different instances of the same Objects use the correct values (a big source of troubles for agent-based, micro-founded models where the same entity is replicated many times in the models).

The problem of the scheduling of the operations during a simulation time step is solved in Lsd by writing equations as difference equations. That is, model writers use a lag notation that implicitly provides the correct scheduling. A powerful debugger helps to solve the problem of scheduling errors even under the most extreme conditions.

The problem of multiple Variables with the same name is solved by using a hierarchical structure. That is, if model writers do not specify which instance they need to use in their equations, the system automatically provides the value of the "closest" instance of the requested element. Overruling systems allow anyway modellers to access any value of the model they may necessitate.

All in all, writing the equations' code for a Lsd model has the same difficulty of writing the C++ equivalent of the set of difference equations expressing the model, and therefore the complexity depends on the model only. Moreover, an equation can contain any legal C++ code besides computing numerical values. For example, an equation can overwrite other Variables' or Parameters' values of the model, create or remove Objects, quit the simulation, trigger messages under particular circumstances, etc.
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What is a Lsd equation file?
The equation file is a standard C++ source code file containing all the equations of the model. The equations are implemented as sections of this file independently from each other. Model writers fill this file with the equation code for all the Variables in the model and compile the file together with the rest of the code of Lsd. The order in which the sections for the equations are included in the equation file is irrelevant.
Being a standard C++ source code linked with the Lsd model program, the equation file may contain any legal C++ statement, for example to add C++ functions of any sort.

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By the way, what does it mean "compiler", or "re-compile"?
The compilation of Lsd model programs, and the possible dealing with the error messages produced, is automatically dealt by LMM whenever a modeller tries to run a model. However, here is some basic information.
The so-called "compiled" languages are based on a compiler. That is, programmers write normal text files (called "source") containing commands that must comply to a given grammar (FORTRAN, PASCAL, C, etc.). When programmers (believe to) have finished the program, he/she "compiles" it by using the compiler on the file containing the program. The compiler reads the commands in the sequence written in the source file and, if there are no errors, produces as output the actual executable program that anyone can run on their computers (provided they share the same operative system). The executable translates the commands written in the program in the actual operations made in the same sequence reported in the "source" file. If the text file containing the program (the source) is modified, the changes do not affect the actual executable program, unless the programmer re-compiles the edited file producing a new executable file. In Lsd, all the changes concerning the structure of the model or the settings of the model can be done "run time", that is, they have immediate effects on the simulation program. Instead, the equations' code is a "compiled" part of the simulation model, and changes to the equations do not affect the model unless the equations' file is recompiled.
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What is an Object?
An Object is a representation of a piece of reality defined by Variables, Parameters and other Objects:

Object Obj
 { Variables: X, Y, Z, ...;
    Parameters: H, K, ...;
    Objects: Obj1, Obj2, Obj3, ...;
    Function: F1, F2, ...;

Labels for Objects, Parameters and Variables must be unique strings of standard characters (e.g. no spaces).
Since an Object can be composed by other Objects, a model is made of a collection of Objects in the form of a hierarchical structure. Any model "begins" with the uppermost Object called Root that, in general, shouldn't contain other elements as Variables and Parameters. Objects in Lsd are defined by model writers and (apart the Root) can be replicated by users in many instances in a model setting.

The hierarchical structure is used during a simulation to "induce" where the data required in an equation must be retrieved. In fact, in general there are many instances of each Object type, and therefore there many instances of Variables and Parameters with the same label. In general, consider the case of the equation for Variable A using the values of Parameter B. If B is defined as a member of the same Object as A, then the equation for A will use the instance of B in the same Object. If B is not contained in the same Object type (and there are many instances of the Object containing B) the structure of the model is crucial. Lsd has a default system that provides always the required values searching through the whole model. The model writer, when designing the model, must ensure that the correct instance is used. Most of the times, the default systems provides the correct solution. But modellers can always overrule the default system and implement model specific data retrieving systems.

Generally speaking, an Object must be represented as a descendant from a parent Object in case during all its existence in the model (Object can be created or removed during simulation runs) it uses the values of the same identical instance of the parent Object. If instead, the (purported) descendant Object can refer to different instances of the parent Object, then it should be placed in a parallel "branch" of the other Object.
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What is a Variable?
A Variable is an element of a Lsd model that changes its value at any time step during a simulation run, and may be used by other Variables in other equations of the model. Variables are defined as elements of Objects, so that, if a model contains many instances of the same type of Objects, it has also many instances of the same Variable, all of which use the same equation for their updating.

Technically, a Variable is made of an equation, attached to a list of numerical values (Lsd implements only real valued Variables) each tagged with a time index. Different instances of the same Variable have the same equation to compute their value, although these value in general may differ because they use the values from different instances of the same type of Object.

The numerical values are computed using the equation and the past values are shifted so that at each generic time step during a simulation the system (or the user of the model) can access the desired Variable's value knowing which value was computed at each time step. Variables that are never used with lagged (past) values in the model (i.e. in the equations) do not require to be initialized before the simulation run, since their value is computed at the very first time step using their equation. Instead, Variables with lags requires initial values to be used at the very beginning of the simulation runs.
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What is a Parameter?
A Parameter is a numerical (real-valued) element of a Lsd model that is not changed by its own equation during a simulation. Technically, it is a Variable without equation and with no lagged values. Therefore the value of a Parameter is required to be inserted by users before staring a simulation run. Parameters do never change value during a simulation run, unless an equation overwrites their values with new values.
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What is a Function?
A function is like a Variable: a label connected to a piece of code written in the equation file. However, the equation computing a Function is not, like those for Variables, automatically executed once, and only once, at every time step. Rather, the code of a Function is executed only, and every time, the code of some Variables request them.

What is a model configuration?
The configuration of a model consists of all the definition of the model, but the equations' code (embedded in the Lsd model program). Generally speaking, it contains: The model structure contained in a configuration is defined by the modeller (see menu Model), and should never be changed by users, since this affect the working of the equations' code. The same model structure is replicated in all the configurations, that normally contain different numerical initializations and/or simulation settings.

In detail, a Lsd configuration is a standard text file, but should never be edited manually. For interested users, Lsd Model files have the following structure:

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What is the Lsd model structure?
The Lsd model structure is the composition of Objects forming a model. Each Object represents an entity of the reality implemented in the model. It can contain hierarchically other Objects forming a hierarchical structure. Besides other Objects, each Object is made of Variables and Parameters. The structure of a model is built in parallel during the implementation of the equations of the model and should not be changed without considering its effects on the execution of the equations' code.

The structure of a model is a hierarchy in that represents "what contains what" in the reality represented by the simulation model. The entities, or Objects, in the model can be hierarchically linked or "parallel". In the first case, the parent Objects (higher in the hierarchy) can access many instances of the same Objects descending from them, so that they can compute aggregate values produced by the whole set of descendants. Descending Objects, instead, have access to only one instance of the parent Object, and it is the same instance for all the same descendants, so that they can access the same values contained in the parent. This system allows model writers to easily write equations code relying on the hierarchical links to individuate the correct instance to use in the equations. Independent, or parallel, can access each others' values as long as they are unique instances.

The general rule is that Variables in descending Objects must make use in their equation of elements in parent Objects when they must refer to the same instance for all their existence in the simulation. If, instead, a descending Object needs to access different instances then the Objects must not be hierarchically linked (and the modeller must explicitly provide the code for which instance to access).

For example, consider a model where many instance of Object Firm have the Variable Quantity. The equation for Quantity makes use of the lagged value of Variable Price. Suppose Objects Firm are defined as descendants from Object Supply, that is, many Firm are part of a Supply side, which, in turn, is defined as having a parallel Object Demand. We can imagine three situations: Variable Price is placed in the same Object Firm, or in the Object Supply, or in Object Demand. Wherever it is placed, in the equation for Quantity is always possible to refer to values for Price without specifying where this Variable is contained. The difference is about how the model considers the Price to be formed.

In case Price is contained in each Firm, there will be as many Prices as many Firms, with Demand represented as Price-taker.

For a Lsd model does not make any difference whether the Variable Price is placed as part of Object Firm or as part of Object Market containing Object Firms. The only difference is that, in the first case, each Firm will use the value of a different instance of Variable Price (one in each Firm), while, in the second case, all Firms will use the same instance, since they will find the same Variable Price contained in the Object Market containing them. The same applies also if there are many Objects Markets, each with its group of Firms. In this case (and with a centralized Price) each Firm will use the instance of Price in "its own" market, with no danger that a different instance of Price can be used.
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Why should a model writer use Lsd?
Lsd offers two main advantages: easy of use of the model and easy of writing the model. Lsd has been built on the belief that the main reasons that hindered the use of the simulation methodology in social sciences are due to the difficulty to build models and the difficulty to share the results in academic environments traditionally not trained in the use of computational techniques.

The simplicity of use Lsd permits to distribute models to non-expert users that can easily understand and replicate the results. Lsd can run under any Windows and Unix system (and it is possible to run a model created in one environment  in another). The complete Lsd installation is very small (~5-15 Mb, depending the OS used). It does not require any additional software for Windows users, while under Unix is required a GNU C++ compiler, and the Tcl/Tk libraries, already installed in practically any Unix system.

Lsd models are, by all means, pure C++ compiled code using dynamically allocated memory, therefore exploiting at the best the power of your system.

Last, but not least, Lsd stresses specificully the problem of documentation, which causes the large majority of potential users to abandon simulations since it is not clear what a model does. Any Lsd model is accompanied by an automatically created HTML document, the Model Report, showing the code used for the equations and their connections with other elements of the model. Moreover, Lsd creates automatically another document, the Model Help, listing all elements of the model, so that the modeller can easily include comments and indications on the element's meaning. Both the Model Help and the Model Repor contain cross-references linking each other at the correct sections for each element of the model, and can be accessed by users under the menu item "Help".

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What do I need to run a Lsd model?
Just your computer and either a Windows operative system (95/98/NT/2000), or a Unix system. Only for Unix users it is required to have a GNU C++ compiler and the Tcl/Tk 8.2 libraries.

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What can I do with a Lsd model?
The basic use of a Lsd model is to run the model replicating the simulations with the specifications provided by the model writer. This can be done "on the spot" by downloading the model and pressing one button. Besides that, users can change any aspect of the model (but the equations' code, for which it is necessary to re-compile the equations). In particular users can use simple, intuitive and efficient graphical interfaces (provided automatically by Lsd with no intervention of the model writer) to:

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What are the results of a Lsd Simulation Run, and what can I do with that?
As a matter of principle, Lsd is based on the assumptions that simulation models do not serve (only) to produce data series, but to understand a complex system evolving through time according to pre-defined computational functions. Therefore, a simulation result is supposed to be analysed together with the model documentation so to be able to trace back the motivations of the patterns obtained with the simulation.
Given the hierarchical structure of Lsd models, it is very easy to build micro-founded models where many small entities behave (almost) wildly and higher-up entities aggregate their information in a simple statistics. This is the core instruments to study the Saint Graal of agent-based models, the emergent properties, even though, in the end of the day, all simulation models do is to produce streams of data.

During a simulation run only the data specifically indicated to be saved are kept in memory. Lsd is endowed with an Analysis of Result module that permits to print graphs and produce some statistics from these series. The same module allows to export data in a variety of text formats for more sophisticated statistical or graphical elaborations.
In case the configuration asks for many simulation runs to be done in a sequence (typically, for robustness analysis), the system saves on files the data at the end of each simulation. Each of these files (extension .res) can be used in the Analysis of Result module in Lsd. Moreover, only in case of multiple simulation runs, the system saves also the values of each series at the very last time step for each simulation run in a single file (called .tot file). This file (to be used with the Analysis of Result module) can be used to compare the final statuses of the model in each simulaiton.

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What documentation does exist on Lsd?
Lsd models have all the same interfaces, and therefore exists a general documentation on Lsd system and a specific documentation for each Lsd model.

Concerning the documentation for Lsd in general, being a matter of software, the best way to learn Lsd is to use it. A hyper-manual is available, with all the aspects of Lsd reproduced as html files that can be browsed as hypertext with a normal Internet browser (e.g. Netscape Navigator, recommended, or Microsoft Explorer). This documentation is particularly useful because shows users the same interfaces of the Lsd models providing explanation on the functioning of the system.

Concerning the specific documentation of each Lsd model it depends on the model writer. Lsd offers the possibility to create automatically a html file (Model Report) describing the content of the model as a hypertext that can be read at different levels of detail (overall model structure, individual elements, the whole code of the model's equations, each numerical value used). Modellers have also available the possibility to fill in the automatically created Model Help file, commenting any element of the model. Both the Model Report and the Model Help are shown automatically when requested from the menu Help of the Lsd model program.
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What is the XXX Lsd window?
See the Lsd windows page.
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Who did write Lsd, and why?
Marco Valente (mv@business.auc.dk, http://www.business.auc.dk/~mv) is the writer of Lsd, initially as part of the TED project in IIASA, Austria (led by Prof. G.Dosi) and later as an activity related to my studies for a PhD in Economics in the University of Aalborg, Denmark, under the supervision of Esben S. Andersen.

Since my graduate dissertation (" tesi di Laurea", supervised by Prof. G.Dosi) I used simulation models, both for my own studies or under contract for other researchers. The basic motivation of Lsd (I mean, my own motivations) is laziness. I simply did not want to write twice the same code for different models. Since it is pretty common that a computer program uses 90% of the code for non-core operations, I found myself writing programs 90% of which were similar to previously written code every time I started a model. The basic idea of Lsd is to separate the model content from the "service" simulation code. In this way, writing the few lines of code corresponding to the equations of a model you obtain a fully serviced program, with interfaces, file management, debug control etc.

The history of evolution of Lsd is made of too many small steps to be reported in detail. However, it is made of two different, although related, purposes. I want Lsd to:

Because of the first goal I cumulated more and more functions that, used in the model equations, facilitate the writing of models. Because of the second goal (to understand whose importance I am grateul especially to E.S.Andersen), I worked to refine interfaces, to produce the manual, and to push modellers (myself included) to fully document every model and every single part of a model.