HyperManual Lsd Windows Main Browser Lsd FAQ's

Menu File

This menu deals with the configuration files to load, save or discard.

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Menu "File" Entries:


(Menu File) Load
Shortcut: control+l
Cause the system to load a previously saved configuration ( by default, files with extensions "lsd").
A configuration contains all the information necessary to run a simulation, but the equations whose computational content is embedded in the Lsd model program (see the FAQ on configuration).
The configuration file name, after the loading, appears in the header of the Browser window.

(Menu File)Re-Load
Shortcut: control+w

This command cause the system to re-load the current configuration. It is normally used after a simulation run before running another simulation exercise, possibly changing some parameterization.
This command is frequently used because Lsd does not allow to run a simulation immediatly after another. This is because the Lsd model program stores in memory the model configuration resulting at the end of the simulation, which normally is not suited to start a new simulation.

(Menu File) Save
Shortcut: control+s

Save the current configuration in a Lsd model file. In general, users do not need to save a configuration since it is automatically saved just before running a simulation, using the same file name of the configuration file previously loaded. Therefore, after a simulation run the configuration file is updated with the changes possibly made before running the simulation.
Therefore, this command is used in case one wants to run a simulation with different initializations from the lastly loaded configuration.
There is also another case in which this command is used. After a simulation run a Lsd model program contains, as configuration, the values obtained during the very last time step of the simulation. Lsd does not allow to launch a simulation with such configuration (it would overwrite the configuration file from which the original simulation was obtained). However, users can sabe the last step configuration with a different name, and then load it as a new configuration, being therefore able to virtually "extend" a simulation beyond the time steps originally planned.

(Menu File)Empty
Shortcut control+e
Empty the system from the configuration currently loaded.

(Menu File) Quit

Shortcuts: control+Q
Exit Lsd.