Writing a Lsd Model

This help page offers a step-by -step tutorial to create a simple model. If not already done, users are invited to read the tutorial 1 for an introduction to Lsd and tutorial 2 on using Lsd models before reading this tutorial.


A Lsd model is composed by: Practically, this means to create a computer program that includes a lot of technical code (the Lsd system code) and the code specific for the model, the equations. This program is then used for creating the model structure and determining the initial values, which are stored in text files called model configurations. At this point, the model users (as opposed to model writer) can run the model program, load a configuration, run simulations, look at the results, change configurations etc.
The create a model means therefore to write the code for the equations and create the model structure; every other operation required to generate a simulation model is performed automatically by either the Lsd model manager (LMM) or by the Lsd interfaces, automatically generated with each model program.

This tutorial lists the steps to be followed to create a Lsd model in general. Click on the step number for detailed instructions to create an example model.
Step  Operation Instrument  Result
1 Design a model Paper and 
Decide one or few equations for a prototype of the model, and the entities to be represented. Sketch out the kind of results to investigate.
2 Create a new model LMM Generate an "empty" model, that is, all the technical requirement to build a model but with no equations' code contained in the equation file (see LMM help).
3 Insert equations LMM  Fill the equation file with equations associated with Variables' labels. 
Each equation is inserted independently, much like systems of difference equations. The programming knowledge required is limited to the logical/mathematical operations represented in the equation. See the help on Lsd equation coding.
4 Try to run the Lsd model program LMM Generate the Lsd model program, or, if errors occur, list the coding errors  (see LMM help).
LMM attempts to create a model program by compiling the equation file. In case of syntactical errors in the equations' code LMM provides their list and location in the equation file.
5 Fix coding errors LMM Generate the Lsd model program (see LMM help).
Using the list of errors provided after a failed compilation it is possible to quickly fix the errors in the equations code. Note that errors are listed along line numbers referring to the file where they occured. LMM shows you the line numbers in the editor, so it is easy to spot the location of the error.
6 Run the Lsd model LMM Access Lsd interfaces (see LMM help)
LMM launches the Lsd model program. This contains, besides the equations' code used during a simulation run, all the interfaces to deal with a model.
7 Define model structure (Objects, Variables, Parameters) Lsd Generate a configuration (see Lsd help).
To define a model structure the modeller needs only to type in the labels of the model elements. For a discussion on how to design a model structure see here.
8 Insert number of Objects and initial values Lsd Generate a configuration (see Lsd help).
Given the definition of the model structure the Lsd interfaces generate suited windows to insert the numerical values required to start a simulation.
9 Define general simulation settings Lsd Generate a configuration (see Lsd help).
Although provided by default, the modeller may want to determine the number of time steps per simulation run, the values to be saved, the series to be shown during the run, and other technical settings.
10 Run simulation Lsd Produce results, or logical errors.
A simulation run produces the series for the data saved, but there may be "logical" errors, that is, legal C++ and Lsd code that cannot be executed given the state of the model in that moment. Examples of these errors are dead-locks (two equations requesting reciprocally to be computed before the other), or missing elements of the model (usually due to differences in spelling between the equation code and structure labels). Lsd captures these errors issuing suited messages (see Lsd help).
11 Fix logical errors Lsd  Find offending code in the equations.
In most cases the error messages issued by Lsd allow to quickly find the line in the equation's code that caused them, since the fatal errors issue messages in which the offending equation is reported (see Lsd help).
12 Analyse the Simulation Results Lsd Observe the data produced by a simulation (see Lsd help).
The data saved during a simulation are loaded in the Analysis of Result module to produce plots, statistics, export data etc.
13 Test different configurations Lsd Produce different configurations.
Generally starting from a fresh configuration (not one obtained after a simulation run), change the initial values of the simulation, saving the configuration with different values to test the behaviour of the model in different conditions (see here for changing model's values, or here for simulation settings).
14 Create the model report Lsd Create a HTML file reporting the model structure and the interdependencies between model elements.
The report shows which item is used in each equation's code. The very equations' code is also included in the report. The report is extremely useful to understand the actual computations of a model.
15 Extend the model LMM and
Add new elements to the model, adding also the equations for the new Variables. Each time a new equation is involved the model need to be re-compiled.
See the Lsd equation manual for more detailed on the Lsd coding language.

The model you have created can be distributed to any Lsd user by just sending the directory where the model is contained. The user will have all the code and the documentation to repeat your simulation, understand them and possibly extending the model.

1 - Design a model

The design of a model must start with the most simple strucure, to be gradually complicated exploiting the possibility to use indifferently Parameters or Variables in equations code, to transform a Parameter in a Variable by simply adding the equation (and to control for any error), and in general to extend gradually a model without affecting previous parts, even when these are connected to the new code.

Let's consider a model where a group of firms compete on a market on the basis of the quality of their product. The driving equation is, for each firm:

That is, the sales of each firm remain identical if the quality of its product is identical to the average, or changes of "a" percentage points in respect of the ratio quality over average quality.
The equation for the average quality must obviously be: with Note that in the first equation for Sales we use AverageQuality at time t-1. This is to avoid a dead-lock. This would happen if the equation for Sales required the most recent value of AverageQuality, which in turn requires Sales which cannot be computed.
Concerning the structure of the model, we decide to use several Objects, called them Firm, containing the values for Sales and Quality. The data common to every firm (a, TotalSales and AverageQuality) will instead be placed in a single Object (say Market) containing the Firm Objects.
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2 - Create a new model

Start LMM (in Window from menu Start/Programs/Lsd/LMM). In  LMM choose menu Model/New Model. Type a name (e.g. "mymodel"), a version number and a directory where to locate the model. The obvious requirement is that there is no another model with the same name and version number, or the directory is already used.
You are now shown the equation file for a new model called "mymodel". The equation file is endowed with all the technical requirements for the equation file to be included in Lsd model program. You need to fill in the equations for your model (in between the two lines MODELBEGIN and MODELEND.
From now on, all the operations in LMM contained in menu Model (e.g. run, debug, show the equation file etc.) will be referred to this model.
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3 - Insert equations

This operation is the core of writing the model, since it tells the simulation program how each Variable should produce a new value at each time step. You can copy the code for the equations presented here (the lineS with these fonts) or type it manually. Don't bother for the colors, which do not have any influence on the actual working of the code. Consider that LMM offers guided shortcuts to insert the most frequently used Lsd functions. The list of Lsd functions that you can insert in your equation file is activated from menu Model/Insert Lsd Script (Control+i). See the LMM manual on this.

Let's use this structure to write the type in the equation the code for the Variable Sales (you can select the following text for the equations, up to the last "}" aftet the goto end;  statement, copying with the menu Edit/Copy in Netscape and then pasting in LMM). The equation code for Sales is:

Level of sales:

The sales of a firm are adjusted in respect of the ratio between firm's own Quality and the
average quality.



RESULT( v[1]*(1+v[0]*(v[2]/v[3]-1)) )

Let's see what the equation does. The first line indicates that this code is the equation for the Variable Sales. Then we have placed a comment, without any use for the working of the equation, but helpful for documentation (this comment is automatically searched by the system and used in the model report).
The next 4 lines in the equation collect the data necessary to compute the value of Sales. The v[0], v[1], etc. are temporary C++ variables used to store intermediate results during computation. The Lsd function V("label") simply returns the value of the item "label") in the model. The VL("label", lag) function is the same as V("label"), but request the past value of "label", with 'lag' lags.
For example, in v[1] it is stored the value of the previous time step value of Sales.
The last line contains the result, that is, the numerical value that Sales will take after its equation has been computed.

Note that V("label") works identically whether the value searched is a Parameter (like a) or a Variable. Moreover, the function is identical for data that will be stored in different Objects. In fact, Sales is a Variable that we will place in an Object referring to firms, while AverageQuality will be located in another Object, Market.

Now we turn to write another equation. Place the cursor after the last line or before the first line of Sales (the order in which the equations' code is placed in the equation file does not matter).

The equation for TotalSales is:

Sum of the Sales from each Firm

RESULT( SUM("Sales") )

The equation for AverageQuality is:

The equation initialise to 0 the value of v[0]. The equation is made of a cycle for, that is, a block of code (in between brakets) is repeated until a given logical condition is true (see LMM help on this topic). The header of the cycle (the line with for(...))  is made of three fields:

The cycle for is composed by three fields, separated by a semi-colon:

The last equation, for AverageQuality, is similar to the previous one:

Average quality of products, weighted with the sales.

The equation scans all the Object Firm summing up the product Sales x Quality and dividing for
the total sales.
CYCLE(cur, "Firm")
 {//assign to pointer 'cur' all the Firm

  v[2]=VS(cur,"Sales"); //compute Sales for the current Firm
  v[3]=VS(cur,"Quality"); //compute Quality for the current Firm
  v[1]=v[1]+v[2]*v[3]; //cumulate the product Sales times Quality

RESULT(v[1]/v[0] )

This equation deserves some attention. Firstly, we store in v[0] the value of total sales. Then, we initialize v[1] to 0. The next lines contain a cycle so that make a temporary "pointer" (that is, a temporary variable containing Objects instead of numerical values) to contain cyclically all the Objects named Firm. The cycle repeat the commands between the '{' and '}' for all the Object Firm in the mdoel. In each cycle we make three operations: collect the value of Sales and Quality for the firm contained in the pointer,  add their product to v[1].
Note that we use the Lsd function VS(pointer, "label"). This function asks specifically the value of "label" to the Object 'pointer', instead of generally search one copy of "label" in the model.

Now you have inserted the equations for your model. For more information on the Lsd equations' language see the Lsd help on this).

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4 - Create the Model program

Save the equation file (menu File/Save). Now you need to create a model program including the general Lsd system code and the model specific equation file. LMM will do all of this automatically: select the item Run in menu Model. Now the system compiles the new model program, with two possible output: either the Lsd model program starts (showing the Lsd Browser), or the compilation fails. In this second case you are shown the error messages issued by the compiler (see next paragraph).
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5 - Fix the compilation errors

When compiling the system controls that the commands written in the equation files are legal C++ code. If the compilation fails LMM shows a window containing the output of the compiler, that is the list of errors. Note that you can always see the error messages choosing the item Show Compilation Results in menu Model. The errors typically reports a line number where the error was found (help on compilation errors). The LMM editor permits to reach a specific line of the equation file using the item Goto Line in menu Edit.
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6 - Access the Lsd interfaces

If the compilation succeeds the Lsd program shows its interface:

When the Lsd model starts it is empty. That is, there is no configuration loaded in the model program, although the program contains the equations' code embedded in its C++ core. The interface is composed by the Browser, which shows one Object (the Object shown is indicated in red along "Object's label"). The Lsd Browser shows two list boxes, for the set of Variables, on the left, and for the Objects descending from the currently shown one, on the left. Currently, the Browser shows the Object Root, included by default in any Lsd model, which contains no Variables and no descending Objects.
The Lsd model program starts also a new window, called Log. This will contain messages from the system, when necessary. For the moment you can ignore it.
The Browser contains several menus. Modellers are interested only in the menu Model to determine the model structure, while the other menus are used to manage different aspects of the simulation that also users may be interested in changing (like initial values, number of time steps, etc.). The structure of the model and the initializations are saved in configurations files (extension .lsd) that can be loaded to run directly a simulation run.

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7 - Define the model structure

The model structure is always defined in respect of the Object currently shown in the Browser. The structure we want to produce is a Market containing several Firm. In particular, we want the Object Root to contain an Object Market, which in turns contain anObject Firm (for the moment we ignore the numerical aspects of the model, like how many Firms). In Market and Firm we need to define several Variables and Parameters. Follow the instructions below:
Now the model structure is complete. It may still contain few mistakes: these will be corrected later, when the simulation manager will issue errors. Save the configuration from menu File/Save.
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8 - Insert initial values and the number of Objects

The model structure is still not sufficient to run a simulation: we inserted only the general structure, but the model need to specify also the values to be used for the Parameters and for the lagged Variables during the very first time steps of the simulation. And this depends also on the number of Objects placed in the model, which are, by default, only one Object.
Let's begin to see how we can specify number of Objects for each type.
Choose item Set Number of Objects in menu Data (option All Object Number). This window shows the whole hierarchy of Objects, up to the hierarchical level indicated (see the Lsd help on this for details on this window). Click on the text (click here to see descendants) to increase the hierarchichal level shown, so to see also the Object Firm. Click on the number shown on the side of Firm and type 10. For your interest, try also to increase the number of Objects Market to 3: you will see three groups of Firm, one for each Market. Before exiting return to only 1 Market.  Notice that removing the Objects the system offers you the possibility to remove some specific instance, or the ones at end of the series. Click on Exit to return to the Browser.

Now we have the model configured with 1 instance of Object Market and 10 Object Firm. To run a simulaiton we need to determine the values of the Paremeters and of the lagged Variables to be used at the first time step of a simulation run, that is the initial values. Setting the number of Objects can be done for the whole model at once. Instead, setting the initial values must be done for one Object type per time. Move the Browser to show the Object Firm (you can double-click on the symbol representing Firm in the graphical representation of the model). Choose the item Initial Values in menu Data. The window is like a spreadsheet, listing the different instances of Objects on the columns and the Parameters or lagged Variables on the lines. You can manually type in each cell a number (pressing Return on your keyboard to move to the next cell), or use the Set All button to set the whole values for a line (see the Lsd manual on this). For the Objects Firm we need to set the lagged values of Sales and the level of Quality. Set the same value for Sales for all firms (say 100). To do this using the Set All button, type 100 and select the option Equal To. For Quality set increasing values from 1, 1.1, 1.2 etc. To do this, select the option Increasing, and type 1 as starting value and 0.1 as step.

Click on Ok when you have finished to set the initial values for Objects Firm, move the Browser to show the Object Market (click on the label Market in the Browser on the left of the text "Descending from: ..."), and choose Initial Values in menu Data. You can obtain the same result by clicking with the right button of the mouse on the symbol for Market in the graphical representation. Notice that the Variable TotalSales does not appear in the window. In fact, this Variable does not need to be initialized, since it is never used as lagged value. Type 0.05 for the Parameter a and 1.5 for AverageQuality with lag 1.
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9 - General Simulation Settings

The model is now potentially ready to run a simulation, since it contains the equations, the model structure and the initial values. However, by default Lsd models do not save the data produced during a simulation, so you need to specify the data series you want to observe (this information is stored in the configuration file, so you do not need to specify the series to be saved any time). Let's save the series for AverageQuality and TotalSales in Market, and Sales in Firm. To select a Variable to be saved double-click on its label contained in the list of Variables in the Browser (when this shows the Object containing the Variable of interest, of course). This shows a window with the label of the Variable and several items (see the Lsd manual on this topic). Check on the option "To Save". Concerning the Variable Sales in Firm, check on also the option "Run Time Plot". Now the model will save during every run all the data produced by the Variables marked. These data can be accessed after the simulation. Moreover, the data for Sales will produce during the simulation, at run time, a plot showing their values.
Concerning Variable AverageQuality, check on also the option Debug. This will interrupt the simulation at this equation when the Debug Mode is set on (users can activate the Debug Mode any time during a simulation, or it can be set on from the very beginning of the simulation run).
When starting with no model loaded, the time steps for a simulation run are set to 100. To change this choose item Sim.Setting in menu Run. This will show a window with several options (see the Lsd manual on this topic). In the cell labelled Simulation Steps type 2000.
Now the configuration to run a simulation is complete. Save the configuration choosing item Save in menu File, and typing a name for the configuration, for example trial1.
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10 - Run the simulation

To run a simulation you just need to choose the item Run in menu Run. This will show a summary message; choosing Ok confirms to run the simulation.

If there are errors the simulation is interrupted immediately, or the Lsd error manager issue few messages offering the modeller with several possibilities to investigate the error (see Fix logical errors below). If the simulation runs smoothly, you will see a new window, the Run Time Plot, showing the series of the data set with this option (Sales in the example). If you did not set any Variable to appear in the Run Time Plot, then the Log window will signal all steps that have been successfully completed.
During a simulation run the Log window can be used to control the simulation, using the four buttons in the lower part of the window:

After a simulation run the model remains with the status of the last time step of the simulation. That is, every Variable has the values resulting from the last time its equation have been computed. Lsd prevents to run immediately new simulation exercise with such values as initial values. This, in fact, would overwrite the configuration file used to run the original simulation. However, the after-simulation configuration can be saved (possibly with a different name). And therefore this new configuration can be loaded and run, like any configuration.

Although it is not strictly necessary for writing Lsd models, it may be interesting to know what happens when a simulation is run. The operations of a simulation run are:

  1. Save the configuration file (beware that every change to the model overwrites the pre-existing configuration)
  2. Set the simulation time counter to 1
  3. Select the Root Object as current Object
  4. Compute the equation for all the Variables in the current Object
  5. Set the descendants of the current Object as new current Object and return to 4.
  6. (when all Objects of the model have been explored) increase the time counter and return to 3.
Note that the cycle decribed above does not correspond necessarily to the actual order of execution of the equations. In fact, it is possible that the computation for an equation in an upper position of the model (say AverageQuality in Market) requires other Variables to be computed first (Sales in Firm in the example). But the flow of updating described above is such that the equation for AverageQuality begins to be computed before Sales are updated. Lsd records every value for a Variable along with the time step in which it was computed. Therefore it knows that Sales need to be updated before completing the equation for AverageQuality, and automatically computes the equation for each Variable Sales before completing AverageQuality.

When a lower Variable already computed is reached by the standard simulation cycle, or it is requested again by another Variable, Lsd does not re-compute it, but uses the value already computed the first time in that time step.
Modellers can also decide to use Variables that, instead having an equation assigned, has a function. This is identical to an equation, but includes also few lines such that the value of the Variable is recomputed as many times as it is requested, even many times during a time step.

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11 - Fix logical errors

During the compilation it is possible to discover errors in the model code (i.e. the equations) due to illegal C++. But only during a simulation it is possible identify errors due to the design of the model. If there is an error Lsd writes a message in the Log windows. Typical errors are:

Data not loaded

Lsd found that some initial values (for Parameters or lagged Variables) have not been defined by the user. The error message is:

Data for XXX in Object YYY not loaded

This happen either when a Parameter or lagged Variable is inserted, or when the number of Objects is increased, but the user did not set any initial value for it. In both cases Lsd assign a default value that must be, at least, confirmed before being able to run a simulation.
To fix the error re-load the configuration (menu File/Re-Load). Move the Browser to show the Object YYY containing the un-initialized elements. Choose item Initial Values in menu Data. Even if the data are not changed, only opening this window is considered as a confirmation of the values presented.

Variable not found

This problem arises when a Variable is missing or, more frequently, when it is spelled differently in the equations' code and in the model configuration. The error message in the Log windows gives indications on where the error occurred. There are two possible types of errors. If the error is:

Equation for XXX not found

it means that the Variable defined in the model configuration does not correspond to any equation block in the equation file. This error is also caused if you defined a Variable instead of a Parameter (to Lsd, it is a Variable without equation). For example, if you defined a as a Variable it appears as
a (0)
in the left list box in Market, instead of
a (P)
as it should be for Parameters. See below how to correct this error.

If the error is:

Search for XXX failed in YYY
Fatal error detected at time 1.
Offending code contained in the equation for Variable: ZZZ

it means that the Variable (or Parameter) XXX requested in the equation for ZZZ was not found. You likely mispelled XXX in the equation's code.

To correct the error you need either to change the equations code, or to change the label of the element in the model structure. In any case, close the Lsd model program (choosing Abort if the error message is of the second type). You can change the equations' code, if necessary, using LMM. Save the equations' file (menu File/Save) and run the Lsd model program (menu Model/Run). When the Lsd model program starts, load the configuration (menu File/Load) and choose the configuration file that caused the error. Now the model is defined exactly as when you started the simulation, but with the fixed equation code. If you want to edit the model structure definition (e.g. change the label) move the Browser to show the Object containing the Variable to be changed. Double-click on it, and, in the option window, double-click on its label to change as necessary. After the changes try to run the simulation again (menu Run/Run).

Lag error

This error causes a message like:

Lag error: Variable XXX requested lag K but available only H

This means that the Variable XXX in the equation was requested with a lag superior than that available (typically, it is requested with 1 lag, but it was defined without any lag, or lag 0). Again, it may be an error in the equations' code, or in the model structure definition. Follow the instructions on how to correct this error.

Dead lock error

This error occurs if an equation (say for X) requires the value of another Variable (Y) whose equation, in turn, requires the computation of X. Clearly, one of the two Variables need to use a call to the other equation with a lagged value.
For example, if the equation for Sales contained the request for AverageQuality with no lag, the message issued would be:
Dead lock! Variable:
requested by Object:

Fatal error detected at time 1.
Offending code contained in the equation for Variable: Sales

List of Variables currently under computation.
(the first-level Variable is computed by the simulation manager,
while possible other Variables are triggered by the lower level ones
because necessary for completing their computation)

Level Variable Label
3 Sales
2 TotalSales
1 AverageQuality
0 Lsd Simulation Manager

The lines highlighted show the two Variables involved in the dead-lock.
To fix the error set one call with a lag, according to the logic you want to use in the model.

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12 - Analyse the Simulation Results

After a simulation users can use the module for analyse the simulation results. Choose item Analysis Result in menu Data. This will prompt a window asking if you want to use the data from the latest simulation run or from a file containing data saved from another simulation (if there was no such a window, it means that there are no data from simulation stored in memory, and the system automatically search for a file with simulation data). Choose Simulation to use the data from the simulation.
The window for the analysis of results contains three main boxes, and few other items. The box on the left, labelled Series Available lists the data saved. For each series is reported the name of the Variable, a code, and the initial and final time step in which the Variable existed. The code contains as many digits as the hierarchical level of the Object containing the Variable, so that, for example, the Varibales for the third Firm has the code 1_3, meaning first Market and third Firm.
The window is operated by moving one or more elements from the left box to the one in the middle (Series Selected). The different commands concern only the series contained in this box.
Users can plot the series or ask for the descriptive statistics, both as time series or as cross-section analysis (in this latter case a series is made by the values of all the Variables listed in the middle box at a given time). The plots generated are listed in the right box (Graphs), and can be brought in the foreground by clicking on them. To raise the main window, frequently hidden behind a stack of plot windows, double click on any of such windows. See the Lsd manual on the detail use of this module.
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13 - Test different configurations

Exit from the Analysis of Result module (menu Exit). Re-load the configuration used for the simulation run (menu File/Re-Load, or use the shortcut Ctrl+w). Save the configuration with a different name (e.g. trial2). Now you can test different configurations, setting the number of entities to different values, changing the initial values, changing the simulation settings etc. For a detailed account on these aspects see the tutorial 2.
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14 - Create Model Report

Understanding the functioning of a model means to know the elements of the model (Objects, Variables and Parameters) and how they relate to each other. This means to know the structure of the model and all the connections between them like, for example, in which equation(s) a Parameter is used. This is of importance both to the modeller and to the user. For the modeller it is the crucial information for modifying a model; for model users it is the best way to understand how a model is implemented. If a model report exists, it will always be available to the model users for documentation (from the menu Help/Model Report). The model report is a HTML file (readable with any web browser) created automatically by the system at request of the modeller.

To create the report it is necessary to tell the system the equation file name, menu Model item Equation File, and indicating the filename suggested in the resulting window. Lsd model programs permit to add to each item a textual description, that appear in their option window and are used in the model report. However, it is also possible to request the system to automatically induce some of the relevant information. To do this, use the command in menu Model / Generate Automatic Documentation. After this, click on a Parameter or a Variable to see the results.

Then choose the item Create Model Report in menu Model and the system pops up a window where the modeller can choose the options concerning the report. Confirming the creation of the report makes the system create the report's file (or overwrite the existing file). After the creation the report is shown. It is always possible to access the report from its indication in the menu Help (obviously, only if available).
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15 - Extend the model

A crucial rule in developing simulation models is to proceed gradually incrementing the elements of a model. Lsd allows a very easy extension of an existing model. As exercise, let's add a Variable to compute the market shares of firms.
For this we need to add an equation to the equation file, and to add the relative Variable in the model.

Close the Lsd model program and return to LMM, open the equation file for the model (menu Model/Show Equation), and place the cursor in a legal position for a Lsd equation (within the lines MODELBEGIN and MODELEND and outside the block for an existing equation).

Press the keys Ctrl+Shift+e to insert an equation (or use the normal way through the menu Model/Insert Lsd Scripts), for the Variable "ms".

The block for the equation is:

Market shares

RESULT( v[0]/v[1])

Now you have inserted the new equation saying that the market shares (Variable "ms") must be computed as the ratio between Sales and TotalSales. The whole equation should be like:

Save the equation file (menu File/Save, or press Ctrl+s), and run the model, menu Run/Run. The system automatically acknowledges that the file is changed, and therefore recompiles the whole Lsd model program.

When the Lsd Browser window appears, open one of the configuration files (menu File/Load). Note that you may run the model as before since the new code does not interfere with the previous equations.

Move the Browser to point to the Object Firm (double-click on the symbol for Firm in the graphical representation). There insert the new Variable "ms": choose menu Model/Add a Variable (or press Ctrl+v), and type "ms", with 0 lags.

As last operation, double-click on the newly insereted "ms" Variable in the list of Variables for Firm and check on the To Save option, so to include the values of the market shares Variables in the data saved during the simulation runs.

Now you can run a simulation and observe the results
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